Visit Us Wednesday through Saturday from 12 - 4 p.m. Free Admission
Visit Us Wednesday through Saturday from 12 - 4 p.m. Free Admission
Rooted in history, the Collinsville Historical Museum has established a tradition of preservation of our past using established museum standards coupled with technology to provide information and content to our community. The Museum has a rich tradition of attracting special donors who have generously created gifts to secure our future. as we work diligently to preserve and share our past.
Your gift will support the important work of our volunteer staff and dedicated researchers. Caring for the vast collection of artifacts that makes up our collection, requires dedicated effort to research, record, and identify the information associated with each item in our collection. Your support will insure the museum will remain the keeper of the past, on into the future.
How the Tax Reform Act affects you and your charitable giving.
Schnucks E-Scrip Program There are many planned gifts that won’t affect your existing financial resources, but will have a significant impact on Museum. Give to the institution you care so much about, while maintaining control and flexibility.
Gift Provison
A bequest is a gift provision in your will or revocable living trust. All assets, including cash, securities, real estate, and tangible personal property, may be transferred to the Museum at the end of your life.
The Schnucks E-Scrip program directs a portion of your spending at Schnucks to any charity registered with the national E-Scrip program. It costs you absolutely nothing extra and is a painless method to direct a portion of your Schnucks spending to benefit the Collinsville Historical Museum. Instructions for signing up are available at Schnucks or at the Museum.
1% on monthly purchases between $0-$300.
2% on monthly purchases between $301-$600.
3% on monthly purchases between $601-$999
AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization of your choice.
For more information about AmazonSmile press the button below
Let your thoughts be set in the brick paver memorial that lies at the feet of the Museum front door. A 4" by 8" brick is available for a $50.00 donation. To learn more, please contact the office
Contact us
Call 618-344-1834 or
The Museum is powered by the good works of our volunteers. Contact us today about spending time with us as a volunteer.
Call 618-344-1834 or
Copyright © 2025 Collinsville Museum - All Rights Reserved.
406 West Main Street Collinsville, IL 62234